"Chicken and Rice Bake for Your Period" Text Message Art Print 11x17 - FUNDRAISER
"Chicken and Rice Bake for Your Period" Text Message Art Print 11x17 - FUNDRAISER
The sale of this print supports 1001 Unread Messages: a multidisciplinary art project that includes a gallery show featuring art inspired by digital artifacts/ephemera and the making of a new devised performance created with the verbatim language from text message exchanges- all aimed at exploring modern relationships, communication, and the exquisite mundanity of care.
Printed on 11x17 matte photo paper, featuring a print of an ink & watercolor illustration and signed by the artist, Francesca Montanile Lyons.
For more info or donate text messages, visit https://www.francescamontanilelyons.com/1001unreadmessages.